Welcome to the Angul United Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd., Adwait Marg, Angul, Odisha. Contact No. 06764 - 233116, E-mail Id. - [email protected]

Business Mix

  • In the financial year 2021-22, the Bank crossed a Business Mix of Rs.227326.44 lakhs. The deposit reaches a level of Rs.114440.79 lakhs and advanced crossed a mark of Rs.97891.53lakhs and plan to reach Rs.127000.00 lakhs and Rs.117000.00 lakhs respectively during the coming financial year 2022-23.

  • The paid up capital of the Bank is increased by Rs.10920.37 lakhs with 15% growth over last year i.e. March 2021 as against Rs.9513.33 lakhs and plan to achieve Rs.110.00 Lakhs.

  • The Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio (CRAR) is23.97% than corresponding year 21.80% against the regulatory requirement i.e.9%.

  • The Bank is committed to be a cache player in the area of Co-operative Banking Sector by ensuring high standard, professional integrity and regulatory compliance through latest technology and enhancement of service by continuous improvement.

  • The Bank has issued 189911 nos. of Kissan Credit Cards as on 31.03.2022 to the members of the PACS and also they have been covered under Personal Accident Insurance Schemes (PAIS). The borrower under Crop Loans is also covered by Crop Insurance Scheme sponsored by the Government and in Personal Accident Life Insurance Schemes.

  • In the present scenario SHG have emerged as the most vibrant scheme under Informal Credit Delivery System. These informal group starts with savings and thrift habit a small way and graduate themselves over a period of time to attain status of small entrepreneur through financial support from Bank. Apart from economic activities these groups also take-up a variety of social works and there by contribute to the process of nation building. Angul United Central Bank is a fore runner in the SHG movement with more than 12388 nos. of SHG Groups spread over all the blocks of Angul and Dhenkanal Dist. These groups have mobilized Rs.591.29 lakhs as savings and 13691 nos. of groups are credit linked with Rs.10637.18 lakhs advances to them.