Welcome to the Angul United Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd., Adwait Marg, Angul, Odisha. Contact No. 06764 - 233116, E-mail Id. - [email protected]

Basic Information

Geographically Area 6375 Sq. KM(661523 Hact) 4452 Sq. KM (430477 Hact) 10827 Sq. KM 1092000 Hact)
No. of Collectorate 1 1 2
No. of Sub-Divisions 4 3 7
No. of Blocks 8 8 16
No. of G.Ps. 225 212 437
No. of Villages 1936 1,237 3173
No. of Bank in the Dist. 26 46 72
No. of PACS. 103 80 183
No. of Branches of AUCC Bank 11 6 17
No. of Agricultural Branches of AUCC Bank 8 6 14
Population (As per 2011 census) 12,73,821 11,92,948 24,66,769
a) Male 6,55,718 6,12,597 12,68,315
b) Female 6,18,103 5,80,351 11,98,454
Total Agriculture Families     3,88,539
Of which SF/MF 44,304 80,840 1,25,144
Agricultural Labors 89,104 1,22,229 2,11,333
Total no. of members in PACS (As on 31.03.2022)  237102 209446 446548
Total No. of Borrowing members during year -2022. 102226 84011 186237